lunes, 26 de agosto de 2019

Why did i choose to study psychology ?

   Hello again dears readers!

When i was a child i dreamed every night about my future, i wanted to be a doctor, Rock star, and psychologyst. During my high school time i met a person who studied psychology, he is a wonderful person and very wise, in my free time i always go to talk to him.

When i was taking the psu the last year my psu points were not enough to study medicine, so i decided to study psychology, because he captivated me with his personality and his way of being the person that i described before, who I admired, because he had answers for everything, he was the one who basically encouraged me to study this career. And well, i then started to discover about the career and i was really surprised, specially the paradigm of behaviorism.

And my experience so far  at the university has been very good, i don't have anything to say about it.

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lunes, 19 de agosto de 2019

About of me

Hello dear bloggers, my name is Claudio O. Lastra, I was born in the city of Santiago,
to be more specific in the central station area. I studied some years in this city,
the school where I studied was called Lincoln College.
When I was 9 years old I traveled to southern Chile and decided to stay there, there i started
to live in the city of Victoria. Victoria is a little town, It doesn't have many attractions or anything
like that, in fact it is a very boring city. I studied at Jorge Alessandri Rodríguez High School.
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At eighteen I started studying psychology at University of Chile and well here I am.

I have two best friends: samuel and enzo, they are my complement to be happy,
unfortunately they have to stay there in Victoria while I'm studying here,
but while i'm bored i love playing the guitar and singing to pass the feel blues.

lunes, 12 de agosto de 2019


Hello my dears readers,

my name is Claudio Lastra. im not origanally from santiago, im from of victoria.
Victoria is a little village in the south of chile, is really beautiful place to be a calm!!!!!.
Today m going to talk about The things i hate about santiago are the long distance between places, the contamination, Crime and among other things.
But not everything is bad, there are things that I really love about this city, such as the variety of tourist places, shopping stores, cultural places.

Well, that's all for today, I hope you are well !!!