lunes, 19 de agosto de 2019

About of me

Hello dear bloggers, my name is Claudio O. Lastra, I was born in the city of Santiago,
to be more specific in the central station area. I studied some years in this city,
the school where I studied was called Lincoln College.
When I was 9 years old I traveled to southern Chile and decided to stay there, there i started
to live in the city of Victoria. Victoria is a little town, It doesn't have many attractions or anything
like that, in fact it is a very boring city. I studied at Jorge Alessandri Rodríguez High School.
Resultado de imagen para homero simpson agradeciendo

At eighteen I started studying psychology at University of Chile and well here I am.

I have two best friends: samuel and enzo, they are my complement to be happy,
unfortunately they have to stay there in Victoria while I'm studying here,
but while i'm bored i love playing the guitar and singing to pass the feel blues.

5 comentarios:

  1. I didn't know that you born in Santiago. I thought that you always lived in Victoria.


  2. I understand you a lot about living in a town without many attractions and how cool you play the guitar

  3. I also play the guitar, do you know how to play other instruments?
